Family Name


Scientific Name

Uvaria sorzogonensis Presl.


Unona camphorata Blanco; Uvaria littoralis C. B. Rob.; Uvaria dulcis F. Vill,; Uvaria uvalifolia Rolfe

Local Names

Alalagat (llk.); bagin-tulagak (C. Bis); balonsaging (Tag.); baloganus (P. Bis.); bulagak (Bik.); butoan-pula (C. Bis.); dalaganum (Bik.); dalagau (Bik.); gilagal-saging (Tag.); hinlalagak-saging (Tag.); imunau (Ibn.); mamogen (Ibn.); pangaguason (Bik.); susung kalabau (Tag.); tagibalos (Tag.)

Botanical Description

A scrambling and twining woody vine. Stem 0.7-1 cm or more in diameter, without exudate, slightly fissured to fissured, glabrous; outer bark dark brown sometimes variegated with black; inner dark brown. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, elliptic, apex acuminate to acute, base rounded; blade 9-25 cm long, 5-9.5 cm board, coriaceous, glabrous with shiny upper surface; petiole 1-15 cm long, 0.15-0.4 cm in diameter, glabrous; venation pinnately netted, eucamptodromous with 18 pairs of lateral nerves. Flowers extra axillary, often opposite the leaves, bisexual; sepals 3, valvate, fused at the base; petals in 6 (7-8), imbricate; stamens many; ovaries 10 -many; stigma subsessile, glabrous; ripe carpels stalked, fleshly, one to many-seeded.

Distribution Ecology

Endemic to the Philippines. Found in Luzon (Cagayan, Bicol) to Mindanao and Palawan. In thickets and secondary forests at low and medium altitudes.

Other Economic Uses

Plants extract contains a parasympathetic drug with properties similar to those artabotrine. Bark is rich in alkaloids. An alcoholic tincture of the root is applied as an ecbolic.

Volume Estimate

No information available.

Other Plant Notes

no information available.
