Family Name


Scientific Name

Bauhinia pauciflora Merr.                                                                                                                                                         


Phanera pauciflora (Merr.) de Wit

Local Names

Bakas-kalabaw (Tag.)

Botanical Description

A twining liana equipped with tendrils. Stem 0.4 cm or more in diameter, without exudate, young stems grooved, chocolate brown; mature stems slightly fissured, brown. Tendrils woods, hooked or circinately coiled, greenish turning chocolate brown, always in pair, pair of tendrils originating from a common stalk arising from lateral branches. Leaves alternately arranged, simple, entire, deeply bilobed, apex of lobe acute to bluntly acute, base cordate; blade 2.1-10 cm long, 3.2-7.6 cm broad, glabrous except for the ferruginous pubescent veins on the lower surface; petiole 2-5.7 cm long, 0.05-0.1 cm in diameter, pubescent, swollen at the both ends; stipulates triangular, 0.3-0.4 cm long, hirsute, early cauducous; venation palmately netted, acrodromous with 9 prominent veins. Inflorescence in axillary and terminal racemes with ferruginous pubescents axis, up to 10 cm long, with narrow triangular bracts. Flowers bisexual; sepals 5, free, strap-shaped, 1-3 cm long, yellowish; petals ovate-oblong, glabrous; anthers ellipsoid, 0.5 cm long; staminodes 0.27-1 cm long; ovary appressed brown-silky pubescent, on a short-stripe; style glabrous; stigma peltate. Fruit a pod.

Distribution Ecology

Malesia: Philippines (Luzon). Found in secondary forests and forest borders up to 1400m. Rather rare in occurrence.

Other Economic Uses

Bast used for tying purposes.

Volume Estimate

Other Plant Notes

There are a number of commercial and potentially commercial vine species under the genus Bauhinia. They differ in the details of the leaves and inflorescence. Their stem are inherently tough and durable, hence they are used for purposes requiring strength. Other Bauhinia spicies not mentioned here but are suitable for handicraft manufacturer include B. fabrilis (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. and B. scandens L.
